502 Bad Gateway

nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
'; //console.log(htmlString); //console.log($api_metals_response.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "")); //let plainText = htmlString.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ''); //console.log('plainText: ' + plainText); //console.log(); let isItJson = isJson(''); //console.log(isItJson); //console.log(); isItJson === true ? zincData.push() : console.log("API Metals Response not JSON"); //test if valid json response /* if(isItJson === true){ zincData.push(); } else { console.log("API Metals Response not JSON"); } */ //API Metals Live api extraction //console.log('zincData length: ' + zincData[0].length); //console.log("is zincData array: " + Array.isArray(zincData[0])); //console.log(zincData[0]); if(Array.isArray(zincData[0])){ //zincPrice = Number(zincData[0].rates.ZNC); //Number(zincData[0][0].price); //zincPricePerPound = zincPrice/14.583; //conversion from troy ounce to lb //console.log(zincData[0].rates.ZNC); //console.log(zincData[0].timestamp); let lastestEntryIndex = zincData[0].length - 1; console.log("lastestEntryIndex: " + lastestEntryIndex); zincPrice = Number(zincData[0][lastestEntryIndex].price); //console.log("zincPrice: " + zincPrice); //console.log("zincPrice: " + zincPricePerPound); } //Zinc if (zincPrice) { zinc.textContent = "$" + zincPrice.toFixed(2); } } } });



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